Monday 23 March 2015

Wildcampingand Parking where you shouldn't

It's not that I am naturally rebellious! But after many years of so many situations and quite often being so tired and desperate that I just couldn't be bothered....I did get the gradual awareness that actual tickets and fines are really rare, and that even in the most silly situations I tended to get away with murder. I can remember when I stopped being a frightened subject and started to think like a citizen with rights. I was in the Lake District - one of the most protected regions in the country. I was due to meet friends for a walk, but was long delayed, and totally lost (pre sat nav)....I ended up in a National Trust car park of a major attraction - with daylight came the realisation - I'm in big trouble. Cars were parking up and honking. The warden came over and I thought I was going to be impounded. But he just sorted it out and didn't even threaten action - just supervised our departure in a friendly but firm manner. And that generally is that attitude I have come to appreciate and anticipate. The exceptions have not been the rule, and I reckon you can park almost anywhere for a single night, and the occasional fine will amortise to pennies over the years. )))

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